Kale and Celery are very rich in vitamin C and vitamin K, and that’s what makes this delicious juice great antioxidant. It will provide you with many essential nutrients in a low-fat and low-calorie package.
Rinse and cut into pieces both celery and kale.
Peel and slice pineapple.
Press in following order: kale, celery, pineapple.
Add agave syrup and stir well. Juice is ready to serve!
Ingredients for 2 servings
- 3/4 cup kale
- 1/2 cup celery
- 13/4 cups chopped pineapple (Canned or fresh may be used)
- 1 1/2 tbsp. agave syrup
Rinse and cut into pieces both celery and kale.
Peel and slice pineapple into pieces.
Press in following order: kale, celery, pineapple.
Add agave syrup, stir well, and juice is ready to serve!
If you want to reduce bitterness, add more agave.
If you are on a weight loss diet, do not use agave syrup.
If you are on a juice fasting diet, replace milk with water, and don’t use agave syrup.
Recipe Tags:
Agave syrup Anti-Inflammatory Celery juice Juice Fasting Kale Low Carb Manganese Pineapple Vitamin C Vitamin K Weight LossRecipe Category:
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